Join the Healthy School Environments Symposium on September 30th
Censorship, book banning, gun violence, anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, mental health challenges, charter schools, vouchers, tax credits and dark money… all are taking their toll on our public schools, including students, teachers, staff and communities. To explore these topics and more, with the inspiration of speakers who are experts in their fields, 4PE and VPEP have organized a day of panel discussions.
“Raise Your Hand for Healthy School Environments” takes place on Saturday, September 30th, 8:30am-4:30 pm, at the Chesterfield Career and Tech Center, 13900 Hull St Rd, Midlothian VA 23112. Join us as we seek ways to counter these assaults that threaten the very existence of quality public education.
Visit the website for more information and to register for the event. You may choose to attend in person or view virtually.