You Have Power! Use it Now!!

Ask your Elected Officials to Act before it is Too Late
Most people are unaware of the power they have as constituents of senators and congressional representatives. Regardless of their party, elected officials serve and give special consideration to their constituents–they try to satisfy their constituents’ requests when they can. For those reasons, you can exercise your power by contacting your congressperson and senators to tell them what you would like them to do. And, don’t forget to let them know you are their constituent.
Currently there are three main asks each of us can make of our Senators and Congresspersons (see links below for contact information for your representatives):
Ask 1. Continue to support our U.S. Department of Education, their programs, and their funding to states to provide good educations for all public-school students. Share your concerns about proposed changes in policies and funding for the US Department of Education outlined in the Project 2025 and the Agenda 47 documents. Find more information here.
Ask 2. Please do everything you can to prevent the president elect from succeeding with his plan to appoint the Secretary of Education and other cabinet members with recess appointments. Mr. Trump has asked that the Senate go into recess early in his administration so he does not have to subject nominees to Senate confirmation. The founders made recess appointments possible for when there is an emergency, not for presidents to use as a go-around for senate confirmation hearings.
Ask 3. Please continue to hold the president elect and his transition team to the requirements of the law under the Presidential Transition Act before the transition takes place. It is troubling and unacceptable that the president elect has refused to sign the ethics agreement regarding conflicts of interest.
Thank you, advocates, for taking a moment to contact both of your senators and your congressperson. Please note that if your senators or congressperson change as a result of the recent election, you may have to contact both your current and the new legislator to be most effective.
Find your congressperson here:
Find your senator here:
